
Becoming A Serious Investor On A Laughable Budget: You Really Can Do This

You may still be in college, working your way up the corporate ladder, or a single parent struggling to provide a good life for your kids, but just because you're not making the big bucks (yet), doesn't mean you can't become a smart investor with a good plan to improve your financial situation. Small choices you make now can add up to big changes in your future. Consider the following ways in which you can initiate the positive changes you want in your life: Read More 

Three Questions To Ask Before Bailing Someone Out Of Jail

When someone you love contacts you for help getting bailed out of jail, your first instinct is likely to do whatever it takes to help that person. However, rushing into the situation without thinking through the consequences may result in significant losses and legal troubles for you. Here are three questions you should ask yourself before you put up money to get someone out of jail. Can You Guarantee the Person Will Show Up for Court? Read More